Contract Specifications

The latest edition of the city of Clearwater Contract Specifications are created and saved in Microsoft® Word document format, ready for download, and are to be used by the Engineer preparing the project for bidding. Some of the articles may not apply for each project, and should be eliminated and noted as "Not Applicable" as needed.

Section Number: Title: Revised: Download Document:
Cover and Index Cover and Index February 11, 2016 Cover.doc(DOCX, 69KB)
SECTION I Advertisement of Bids & Notice to Contractors May 28, 2020 SectionI.docx(DOCX, 27KB)
SECTION II Instructions to Bidders December 22, 2021 SectionII.docx(DOCX, 50KB)
SECTION III General Conditions June 1, 2021 SectionIII.docx(DOCX, 203KB)
SECTION IV Technical Specifications June 2, 2021 SectionIV.docx(DOCX, 415KB)
APPENDIX Forms and Other Project Documentation December 3, 2020 Appendix.docx(DOCX, 62KB)
SECTION V Contract Documents January 10, 2023 SectionV.docx(DOCX, 60KB)

Please contact Engineering Department (727) 562-4750 with comments.