Instructions on how to submit your solicitation documents electronically:
Once complete, hit “Submit”
NOTE: Once solicitation documents have been submitted, in order to retract the documents, an email from your company must be sent to the address listed under that solicitation on the City’s website. Retractions can only be made on open solicitations.
ISSUED BY: Valerie Craig, CPPB
TITLE: Sr. Procurement Analyst
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The City of Clearwater Public Utilities Department is seeking a qualified consultant to develop a 30-year Master Plan for the City’s three (3) Water Reclamation Facilities
RFQ_07-21_WRF Master Plan(PDF, 737KB)
07-21_Exhibit A_Site_Visit_Information(PDF, 226KB)
07-21_Exhibit B_Terms_and_Conditions_Attachment(PDF, 478KB)
07-21_Exhibit C_Scrutinized Companies Form(PDF, 351KB)
07-21_Exhibit D_E-Verify Eligibility Form(PDF, 16KB)
RFQ 07-21 Response Listing(PDF, 3KB)
Note: The City has added the proposals received for this solicitation to the project FTP site. Site access including a link and password information can be located in the original RFQ 07-21 WRF Master Plan document above.