SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS: NOTE: Due to the various changes made to the bid pricing sheet for this solicitation, the City is extending the due date of this bid to Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 10:00 A.M. EST.
Solicitation: ITB_43-20_Laboratory_Services(PDF, 990KB)
Exhibits: REVISED Exhibit A- Bid Pricing Addendum 3(XLSX, 491KB) , Exhibit B-References(PDF, 298KB)
Addendum: ITB_43-20_Addendum_1(PDF, 46KB) , ITB_43-20_Addendum_2(PDF, 626KB) ; 43-20_Addendum3_07.24.20(PDF, 52KB)
Previous Bid Tabulation (2017): ITB 01-17_bid tabulation, 01-17 Bid Tab_Advanced Environmental Laboratories, 01-17 Bid Tab_PaceAnalyticalSvcs
Response Listing: ITB 43-20 RESPONSE LISTING(PDF, 27KB)
Bid Tabulation: ITB 43-20 BID TABULATION(PDF, 84KB)
Intent to Award: ITB 43-20 INTENT TO AWARD(PDF, 648KB)