Affordable Housing Development

The Affordable Housing Development Program is designed to provide policies, incentives, and supplemental/gap funding sources to promote and encourage affordable housing development. We partner with developers and licensed contractors to build and preserve affordable owner-occupied and rental housing in the city’s Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas and other targeted areas throughout Clearwater.

Construction and rehabilitation of affordable and workforce housing are key priorities for the city of Clearwater helping to improve the quality of affordable housing inventory, supporting residents in becoming homeowners, helping older homeowners to age in place, and improving our community’s quality of life and economic growth.

Development incentives may include but are not limited to expedited permitting; density bonuses; parking reductions; nonconforming exemptions; low- or no-interest acquisition, rehabilitation, and construction loans; fee reductions; brownfield assessment and cleanup funds, and land donation, among others. Click here to view a complete list of affordable housing development incentives and funding programs.