Back-to-School Events


As we're heading into fall, Clearwater's recreation centers are preparing for an exciting Back-to-School Bash Series, offering a variety of events to celebrate the start of the new school year. From backpack giveaways to pool parties, these events are fun for Clearwater students and families. 

Clearwater Beach 
  • Date: Friday, Aug. 9 

  • Time: 5 to 7 p.m. 

  • Location: Clearwater Beach Library & Recreation Center, 51 Bay Esplanade 

Celebrate the end of summer with a pool party, pool games, refreshments and music. The cost is $3 for adults with a recreation card and $6 without a card. For children, the cost is $2 with a recreation card and $4 without. 

  • Date: Saturday, Aug. 10 

  • Time: 1 to 4 p.m. 

  • Location: Morningside Recreation Center, 2400 Harn Blvd. 

Cool off from the summer heat and join us for a celebration of back-to-school! Bring your friends and family for a fun-filled day of swimming, music and delicious hamburgers and hotdogs. The cost is $2 with a recreation card and $3 without a recreation card. 

Summer Reading 2024



This summer, June 3rd - July 28th, dive into the pages of fantastic stories and explore new worlds from the comfort of your favorite reading nook. Our Summer Reading Program invites readers of all ages to log their days read and complete fun activities. Each page turned is a step towards exciting prizes waiting to be claimed. Whether you’re a daring adventurer or a curious explorer, there’s a book for everyone. Sign up today and let your reading adventure begin!





Back-to-School Sustainability

School Supplies

  • Only buy what you need. Use your school supply shopping list to search the house for items you already have before going to the store.
  • Buy sustainably produced school, art and cleaning supplies, such as those made of Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood, recycled content or are certified by “green” third parties.
  • Purchase paper products with the highest percentage recycled content you can find
  • Consider donating school supplies or volunteering at local supply giveaway events.


  • Donate gently used clothing to a second-hand store
  • Look for supplies and clothes from second-hand stores or host a clothing swap with other families.
  • If  buying new clothes or book bags, try to buy items with little to no synthetic fibers in the fabric. They can release microplastics into the water when washed.
  • Use reusable shopping bags when buying supplies and lunch items.


  • Ensure you have reusable lunch containers and water bottles. There are many new types of reusable sandwich bags or wraps that are easily washable and durable.
  • Buy sustainable and healthy food choices for lunches. Buy in bulk and try to avoid snacks that come in individual packages.


  • How will you get to school? If close enough, identify a safe route to walk or bike.
  • If driving, consider carpooling with others in your neighborhood.