Storm-Related Sanitary Sewer Overflow Updates

Sewer Update TW.png

(This page was updated at 5:40 p.m. Oct. 13, 2024.)

Hurricane Milton

The city experienced 16 sanitary sewer overflows during Hurricane Milton. The city's public utilities team reported these to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as required by law. See details below.

Northeast Water Reclamation Facility

Description of the Location
  •  Northeast Water Reclamation Facility at 3290 SR 580

Nature of the issue 

  • On Oct. 10, 2024, at approximately 7:30 a.m., the sand filters experienced a power outage, resulting in an estimated 2.18 million gallons of overflow.
  • The generator was successfully restarted around 10:30 a.m.
  • Following the restoration of power, the filters required several hours to recover and stop overflowing.
  • The sand filters fully recovered by approximately 2 p.m. on the same day. 

Status of the issue

  • Overflow ceased.
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected and results are pending.

Impact of the issue

  • An estimated 2.18 million gallons was released.

Mitigation plan

  • The Northeast Water Reclamation Facility's Filter Rehabilitation project (City Project No. 23-0045-UT) is currently 75% complete in the design phase. This project is expected to improve the effectiveness of the facility's filters.
  • Recovered 4,200 gallons on Oct. 12

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate)

  • FDEP possible fines $15,000
  • Estimate $3,000 cost of labor and equipment

Notifications made

  • State Watch Office (SWO): 2024 - 9037
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP): 26190

East Water Reclamation Facility

Description of the location

  • 3141 Gulf to Bay Blvd.

Nature of the issue

  • Hurricane Milton led to exceptionally high influent flows at the East Water Reclamation Facility. Beginning at 8:30 p.m. on Oct. 9, an estimated 4.2 million gallons overflowed from various processes.

Status of the issue

  • Overflow ceased.
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected and results are pending.

Impact of the issue

  • Conservatively 4,201,000 gallons spilled ultimately into Old Tampa Bay.

Mitigation plan

  • Three projects are currently underway to enhance water flow through the facility:
    • East Plant WRF Filter Feed Improvements (17-0048-UT): This project is currently in the design phase.
    • East Screw Lift Pump Replacement Project (22-0028-UT): This project has been awarded to TLC Diversified.
    • East Plant WRF Influent Pump Station (13-0016-UT): This project has been awarded to C&T Construction.

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate)

  • FDEP possible fines $15,000
  • Estimate $4,000 cost of labor and equipment.

Notifications made

  • State Watch Office (SWO): 2024-9036
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP): 26189

Marshall Street Water Reclamation Facility: Filter Feed

Description of the location 

  • 1605 Harbor Drive

Nature of the issue 

  • The excessive flows caused by Hurricane Milton led to a hydraulic overload in the manhole upstream of the filter feed pumps from 6:35 p.m. Oct. 9, 2024, to 11:35 p.m. Oct. 10, 2024. Despite the hydraulic overload, the wastewater underwent successful primary and secondary treatment processes. 

Status of the issue 

  • Overflow ceased. 
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected and results are pending. 

Impact of the issue 

  • Reached Stevenson Creek 

Mitigation plan 

  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $15,000 
  • Estimate $3,000 cost of labor and equipment.   

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024-9025 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):  26186 

Marshall Street Water Reclamation Facility: Power Loss

Description of the location 

  • Manhole #269B5125 located at 1235 Holt Ave. 
  • Marshall Street Water Reclamation Facility at 1605 Harbor Drive  

Nature of the issue 

  • Emergency backup generator appeared to have a low-fuel alarm. Generator shut off, and power to facility was lost at 11 a.m. on Oct. 12.  Power was restored at 12:17 p.m. 

Status of the issue 

  • Overflow ceased. 
  • Samples of receiving waters will be collected. 

Impact of the issue 

  • Partially treated wastewater overflowed and reached Stevenson Creek. 
  • Initial estimate of the spill volume is 552,902 
  • Recovered 26,300 gallons as of Oct. 12. Recovery efforts continue.   

Mitigation plan 

  • Samples of receiving waters will be collected. 
  • Vacuumed/pump trucks were used. 
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $15,000 
  • Estimate $3,000 cost of labor and equipment 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO): 2024-09252 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):  26335

Marshall Street Water Reclamation Facility: Electrical Issue

Description of the location 

  • 1605 Harbor Drive

Nature of the issue 

  • The main circuit breaker in the influent building tripped during Hurricane Milton, resulting in pump failure and subsequent overflow of untreated wastewater at the structure from 1:30 to 2:10 a.m. on Oct. 10. 

Status of the issue 

  • Resolved 

Impact of the issue 

  • An estimated 449,115 was released and reached Stevenson’s Creek

Mitigation plan 

  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $15,000 
  • Estimate $2,000 cost of labor and equipment

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024-0925 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):  26188 

Holt Avenue and Russell Street

Description of the location 

  • Manhole #269B5125 located at 1235 Holt Ave. (and Russell Street)

Nature of the issue 

  • Debris, including bricks, cement, and rocks, caused a malfunction of the screening equipment, leading to a backup in the pipe that feeds the Marshall Street Water Reclamation Facility. 

Status of the issue 

  • Overflow ceased. 
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected and results are pending. 

Impact of the issue 

  • An estimated 2.4 million gallons was released.   
  • Stevenson Creek 

Mitigation plan 

  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected and results are pending. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $15,000 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024 - 9041 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):  26204 
  • Reporting complete

2394 Nash Street

Description of the location 

  • Manhole number MH290A4020, with the closest address 2394 Nash Street. 

Nature of the issue 

  • The sewer exceeded its capacity on Oct. 10 at 8:30 a.m., and the manhole began overflowing due to inflow and infiltration from Hurricane Milton.  It continued to overflow until 2:30 p.m. Oct. 11.   

Status of the issue 

  • Overflow ceased. 
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected and results are pending. 

Impact of the issue 

  • An estimated 32,100 was released.
  • 10,500 was recovered by vacuum truck.   

Mitigation plan 

  • Downed electrical wires in the wastewater spill prevented access for vacuum trucks or any means to mitigate at the point of spill.    
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $10,000 
  • Estimate $12,600 cost of labor and equipment  

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024-9033 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):  26192 
  • Reporting completed 
  • Public notification signs posted at all downstream sampling locations

1141 Flushing Ave.

Description of the location 

  • Manhole number MH309A3075, with the closest address 1141 Flushing Ave. 

Nature of the issue 

  • The sewer exceeded its capacity on Oct. 10 at 9:15 a.m., and the manhole began overflowing due to inflow and infiltration from Hurricane Milton. It continued to overflow until 1:35 a.m. Oct. 11.   

Status of the issue 

  • Overflow ceased. 
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected, and results are pending. 

Impact of the issue 

  • An estimated 24,500 was released.
  • 3,000 was recovered by vacuum truck.   

Mitigation plan 

  • A vacuum truck was used for recovery, the area was washed down, and disinfectant was applied.   
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $5,000 
  • Estimate $3,600 cost of labor, vacuum, and lime during the overflow

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024 - 9039 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP): 26196 
  • Reporting completed 
  • Public notification signs posted at all downstream sampling locations

1113 Glenmoor Court

Description of the location 

  • Manhole number MH309A3040, with the closest address 1113 Glenmoor Court

Nature of the issue 

  • The sewer exceeded its capacity on Oct. 10 at 9 a.m., and the manhole began overflowing due to inflow and infiltration from Hurricane Milton. It continued to overflow until 1:35 a.m. Oct. 11.   

Status of the issue 

  • Overflow ceased. 
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected, and results are pending. 

Impact of the issue 

  • An estimated 24,875 was released.   

Mitigation plan 

  • Washed down area, applied disinfectant. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines:  $5,000 
  • Estimate $2,100 cost of labor and lime during the overflow. 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024-9032 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):  26191 
  • Reporting complete
  • Public notification signs posted at all downstream sampling locations 

1500 S. Belcher Road

Description of the location

  • Manhole number MH316B8005 at 1500 S. Belcher Road with cross street Nursery Road.

Nature of the issue

  • The sewer system reached its maximum capacity on Oct. 10 at 9 a.m., leading to a manhole overflow caused by increased inflow and infiltration associated with Hurricane Milton. The overflow continued intermittently until 5:15 p.m. Oct. 11.

Status of the issue

  • Overflow ceased.
  • Samples of receiving waters were collected, and results are pending.

Impact of the issue

  • An estimated 255,000 was released on the first spill, and the second spill is being calculated and 6,000 was recovered by vacuum truck.

Mitigation plan

  • A vacuum truck was used for recovery, the area was washed down, and disinfectant was applied.
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system.

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate)

  • FDEP possible fines $15,000
  • Estimate $9,200 cost of labor and lime during the overflow

Notifications made

  • State Watch Office (SWO): 2024-9034
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP): 26195
  • Public notification signs posted at all downstream sampling locations

2021 Edgewater Drive

Description of the location 

  • Manhole #MH251A1090 at 2021 Edgewater Drive  

Nature of the issue 

  • The sewer system reached its maximum capacity on Oct. 10 at noon, resulting in a manhole overflow caused by increased inflow and infiltration attributed to Hurricane Milton. 

Status of the issue 

  • Spill ceased on Oct. 11 at 8:30 a.m. 
  • Samples of receiving water were collected, and results are pending 

Impact of the issue 

  • Estimated total spill of 30,750 gallons with 0 gallons recovered 

Mitigation plan 

  • Area was cleaned, and lime/disinfectant was applied 
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $10,000 
  • Estimate $2,100 cost of labor and lime during the overflow 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024 - 9040 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP): 26200 
  • Reporting complete
  • Public notification signs posted at all downstream sampling locations

2537 Countryside Blvd.

Description of the location 

  • Manhole #MH221B6025 at 2537 Countryside Blvd.

Nature of the issue 

  • The sewer system reached its maximum capacity on Oct. 10 at 11:20 a.m., leading to a manhole overflow caused by increased inflow and infiltration associated with Hurricane Milton. 

Status of the issue 

  • Spill ceased on Oct. 10 at 2:40 p.m. 
  • Samples of receiving water were collected, and results are pending 

Impact of the issue 

  • Estimated total spill of 5,000 gallons with 0 gallons recovered 

Mitigation plan 

  • Area was cleaned and lime/disinfectant was applied 
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $1,000 
  • Estimate $3,300 cost of labor and lime during the overflow 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024-9031 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):  26206 
  • Reporting complete
  • Public notification signs posted at all downstream sampling locations 

58 Verbena St.

Description of the location 

  • Manhole # MH249A3090 at 58 Verbena St. 

Nature of the issue 

  • The sewer system reached its capacity on Oct. 10 at 11:45 a.m., resulting in a manhole overflow caused by increased inflow and infiltration attributed to Hurricane Milton. 

Status of the issue 

  • Spill ceased on Oct. 10 at 12:05 p.m. 
  • Samples of receiving water were collected, and results are pending 

Impact of the issue 

  • Estimated total spill of 495 gallons, 0 gallons recovered 

Mitigation plan 

  • Area cleaned and lime/disinfectant applied 
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $1,000 
  • Estimate $2,100 cost of labor and lime during the overflow 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO):  2024-9027 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP): 26207 
  • Reporting complete
  • Public notification signs posted at all downstream sampling locations

1471 Flora Road

Description of the location 

  • Manhole # 252A2050, with the closest address 1471 Flora Road

Nature of the issue 

  • The sewer system reached its maximum capacity on Oct. 10 at 6:45 p.m., leading to a manhole overflow caused by increased inflow and infiltration associated with Hurricane Milton. 

Status of the issue 

  • Spill ceased on Oct. 11 at 10 a.m.
  • Samples of receiving water were collected, and results are pending 

Impact of the issue 

  • Estimated total spill of 46,000 gallons with 0 gallons recovered 

Mitigation plan 

  • Vactor truck is being used to recover as much as possible 
  • Area cleaned and lime/disinfectant applied 
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $10,000 
  • Estimate $2,100 cost of labor and lime during the overflow 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO) 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) 
  • Reporting complete 
  • Public notification signs posted at all downstream sampling locations 

1852 Fuller Drive

Description of the location 

  • Manhole # MH260B5072 located at 1852 Fuller Drive.   

Nature of the issue 

  • A two-inch air-relief valve assembly, situated within a brick manhole, was damaged due to the impact of Hurricane Milton.
  • The excessive rainfall associated with the storm compromised the structural integrity of the manhole, leading to its displacement or collapse.
  • This incident resulted in damage to the top port of the sewer air-relief valve unit, causing an overflow between 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. on Oct. 11. 

Status of the issue 

  • Spill ceased on Oct. 11 at 9:30 p.m. 
  • Currently set on by-pass. 

Impact of the issue 

  • An estimated 875 gallons was released.
  • 300 was recovered by vacuum truck. 

Mitigation plan 

  • Vactor truck is being used to recover as much as possible 
  • Area cleaned and lime/disinfectant applied 
  • Currently on by-pass pump, monitoring over weekend 
  • The 2024 sewer point repairs and improvements project (22-0006) was approved by the Clearwater City Council. This project aims to implement various measures to repair and enhance the citywide sewer collection system. 

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $1,000 
  • Estimate $6,625 cost of labor and lime during the overflow 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO): N/A 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP): 26333

Northeast Water Reclamation Facility

Description of the location 

  • Northeast Water Reclamation Facility at 3290 State Road 580 

Nature of the issue 

  • At 8:20 p.m., the Northeast Water Reclamation Facility's secondary clarification unit #1 experienced solids carryover, resulting in blinded and overflowing sand filters. Operators swiftly diverted the influent flow to the rejection tank. The solids bypass was attributed to a power outage caused by Hurricane Milton, which impacted the clarifier’s pump operation. 

Status of the issue 

  • Spill ceased on Oct. 11 at 8:40 p.m. 

Impact of the issue 

  • An estimated 3,000 gallons of primary and secondarily treated wastewater was released.   

Mitigation plan 

  • Flow was diverted to the facility’s rejection tank.   

Preliminary cost of fines and mitigation plan (rough estimate) 

  • FDEP possible fines $1,000 
  • Estimated $6,625 for the cost of labor and time during the overflow. 

Notifications made 

  • State Watch Office (SWO) SW2024-9246 
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):  26329


Hurricane Helene

The city experienced four sanitary sewer overflows during Hurricane Helene. The city's public utilities team reported these to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as required by law. See details below.

East Water Reclamation Facility Overflow

Description of the location

  • East Water Reclamation Facility
  • 3141 State Road 60

Nature of the issue

  • High influent flows resulted in tank overflow of partially treated wastewater.
  • Currently evaluating the volume that overflowed.
  • Estimated that approximately 1,450,000 gallons spilled.
  • Estimate that 82,960 was recovered.

Status of the issue

  • Overflow stopped Sept. 27

Impact of the issue

  • Most contained onsite
  • Some flowed into stormwater system and old Tampa Bay
  • We are sampling the surface water

Mitigation plan

  • We cleaned up as much of the spill as possible

Notifications made

  • FDEP and State Watch notified

Lift Station 11 (530 Mandalay Ave.)

Description of the location 

  • Lift Station 11
  • 530 Mandalay Ave. on Clearwater Beach

Nature of the issue

  • Lift Station 11 lost power at 10:52 p.m. on Sept. 26
  • When the event started, the observed water level of the Gulf of Mexico at Clearwater Beach was 6.64 feet. This water level is higher than the wet well at Lift Station 11. At this time, Lift Station 11 did not have power. Once the water level receded, a generator was immediately connected, and the station was pumped.

Status of the issue

  • Lift Station was back in service under generator at 8:37 a.m. on Sept. 27
  • Lift Station is currently on Duke Energy power

Impact of the issue

  • Estimated approximately 1,000 gallons overflowed

Mitigation plan

  • Lift Station is back on Duke Energy power
  • Long-term plan is to raise the control panel out of the storm-surge zone

Notifications made

  • FDEP and State Watch notified

Lift Station 81 (71 Causeway Blvd.)

Description of the location 

  • Lift Station 81
  • 71 Causeway Blvd.
  • Beach Marina Parking lot

Nature of the issue

  • The city's Public Utilities Department received reports that Lift Station 81 had an overflow.
  • Lift station 81 services the Clearwater Marina and the boats in the marina. They were evacuated and not using services at the time.

Status of the issue

  • Currently Lift Station 81 is on Duke Energy power

Impact of the issue

  • Approximately 300 gallons entered the bay through the marina

Mitigation plan

  • Lift Station is back on Duke Energy power
  • Long-term plan is to raise the control panel out of the storm-surge zone

Notifications made

  • FDEP

50 Acacia Street


  • 50 Acacia Street
  • Manhole - 249A4155 in front of address 712 Bruce Ave.

Nature of the issue

  • Sewer bubbling up from around ring and cover, due to power out at Lift Station 9

Status of the issue

  • Vacuumed/pump truck around 9,600 gallons
  • Ran two city and two contractor vactor trucks throughout the event
  • 9,550 gallons recovered
  • 50 gallons seeped into the ground

Impact of the issue

  • Spill didn’t reach surface waters

Mitigation plan

  • Lift Station 9 is back on Duke Energy power
  • Long-term plan is to raise the control panel of Lift Station 9 out of the storm-surge zone

Notifications made

  • FDEP and State Watch notified


Moving Forward 

The city and the Public Utilities Department remain committed to protecting our natural environment. The department invested roughly $35 million into the Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water system in the past fiscal year and is on pace for a similar investment this year.