Floodplain Management


The Federal Emergency Management Administration updated the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the coastal areas of Pinellas County, and changes were effective in August 2021.

Property owners are encouraged to find out if their flood zone or base flood elevation has changed by viewing the maps.

If the flood zone or base flood elevation for a property changes, the flood insurance rate and the requirement to carry a flood policy may also change. By law, federally regulated or insured mortgage lenders require flood insurance on buildings that are located in areas at high risk of flooding. Standard homeowners, business owners, and renters’ insurance policies typically don’t cover flood damage; consequently, flood insurance for financial protection is an important consideration for everyone subject to flood risks.

Community Rating System

The Community Rating System, or CRS, is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. More than 1,500 communities participate nationwide, including the city of Clearwater.

In Clearwater and other CRS communities, flood insurance premium rates are discounted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from the community’s efforts that help mitigate flooding. The ratings go from 1 (best) to 10 (least). The city of Clearwater's rating improved to a 5 from a 6, as of Oct. 1, 2024. This results in a 25-percent discount that residents receive on their flood insurance.