The City of Clearwater Special Events Division is proud to offer beautiful locations for your next event. Our venues offer spectacular views and a variety of resources for concerts, festivals, weddings, races, and more.
All reservations for special events, such as festivals, runs / walks, parades, block parties and citywide holiday celebrations that occur on public property, are initiated with the Special Events Division. Our team is dedicated to your event, and the process of assisting you in producing a successful event.
Applications can be submitted and paid for, no more than 365 days in advance, but not less than 90 or 60 days in advance, based on the classification of your event (see below). Depending on the size, scope and complexity of your event, it is recommended to submit all special event documentation as early as possible.
Submission and acceptance of this application is not to be construed as an approval of your request for a permit.
We strive to provide knowledgeable, customer-focused service to help guide you through the planning process and make your event memorable.
If you're application is denied...
Within 15 business days of the filing of the application for a special event permit, the Special Event Chair will communicate the action taken on the application and the specific reason.
A. The application is incomplete and requests to resubmit/correct has not been completed.
B. The application has been fraudulently completed.
C. A prior permit has already been issued for the same area requested within the same calendar month.
D. The application is not for an available public area.
E. An adjacent public area has already been scheduled for use at the same time, and simultaneous uses cannot be accommodated.
F. The estimate of the anticipated attendance is in excess of the maximum designated as allowable for the area.
G. The chief of police has factual knowledge that the applicant or sponsoring group specifically intends to cause or create imminent lawless actions in connection with the special event. Anticipated violence on the part of persons unassociated with the applicant or sponsoring group shall not be considered.
H. Chief of fire has knowledge that a special event fails to comply with applicable fire and life safety laws and is considered a danger to public health, safety and welfare. I. The previous event application was incomplete in a material respect causing undue hardship upon the resources of the City of Clearwater.
J. The applicant does not comply with all applicable city ordinances, traffic rules, park rules and regulations, state health laws, fire codes and liquor licensing regulations.
K. The venue is no longer available for an event of that classification.
L. If the applicant cannot comply with applicable local, state and federal license requirements for all or part of the planned event.
M. The use or event is prohibited by law