Coachman Park Commemorative Benches

Coachman Park Stakeholder Tours 6.12 (33).JPG

Leave a lasting mark on Coachman Park with a commemorative bench. A generous donation of $1,000 contributes to the installation and maintenance of benches throughout the park for the enjoyment of all.

The donation includes a commemorative plaque affixed to a bench in the park for ten years from the installation date. After this period, the plaque may be removed and the bench may be repurposed or replaced at the city's discretion.

All applications must be filled out, notarized and processed in-person at the Municipal Services Building, 100 S. Myrtle Ave. at the Clearwater Parks & Recreation Department offices on the first floor. Payment will be accepted after forms are notarized.

Pursuant to IRS Publication 526 (2024), Charitable Donations, your donation may qualify as a tax deduction. The city of Clearwater does not provide tax advice, so make sure you consult with a qualified tax preparer prior to making any deductions.

IRS Details for Charitable Contributions