Dumpster Art

416 Laura St.

416 Laura St

1500 Missouri Ave

1500 Missouri Ave.

701 Cleveland St.

701 Cleveland St.

525 Park St

525 Park St.

Help the city of Clearwater add art to even the most unexpected of places: the dumpsters! The city of Clearwater will provide the blank canvas (the dumpsters) and all of the necessary supplies. Participants need only supply their time, creativity and ideas for beautifying underutilized spaces. The dumpsters at your school, apartment building or local business are just waiting for a makeover!

Business and property owners interested in having their dumpster painted may contact the city of Clearwater’s Neighborhoods Coordinator at neighborhoods@myclearwater.com.

Materials the city of Clearwater will provide: five gallons of industrial enamel paint (black, white, yellow, red and blue), paintbrushes, sidewalk chalk for outlining the mural, paint rollers, plastic gloves, tarp to protect the pavement from paint, paint stirring sticks, paint mixing containers, traffic cones, traffic safety vests and painters tape.

Please note that the city of Clearwater may only process three applications per month. If more than three groups apply in any given month, their applications will be added to a waitlist for the following month. The Dumpster Art online application is available here.

Obtaining Approval

Step 1.Select a city-owned dumpster to paint. If you’re not sure whether a dumpster is owned by the city, look for the city logo sticker. Dumpsters owned by Pinellas County or private organizations are not eligible for this program. 

Consider dumpsters that will be most visible or have the most nearby foot traffic. Once you know which dumpster you’d like to paint, you must get the property owner’s permission in order to participate in this program. 

Please note that aluminum dumpsters (pictured below) are not eligible for this program.

not eligible dumpster eligible dumpster
Not Eligible Eligible

Step 2.Identify a site for painting your dumpster.

Your team may opt to paint the dumpster at its original location or somewhere else. When deciding whether to paint the dumpster at its original location, consider the following: Do you have the property owner's permission? Does the original site offer plenty of room to set up a tarp, cones and other supplies? Does the original site have a lot of traffic? Will it be safe for the painters? How long will it take your team to complete the mural? If your group plans to paint the dumpster at its original location, please note that the installation of the mural may not impede the use of the dumpster.

If your team opts to paint the dumpster at a different site, the city of Clearwater will deliver the dumpster to your preferred location and provide a temporary dumpster at the original location. If you require assistance identifying a site for painting your dumpster, please contact neighborhoods@myclearwater.com.

Step 3.Form a team and collaborate on an idea or theme for your mural that will be meaningful to your community and will serve as a source of neighborhood pride.

Dumpster murals shall not include advertisements, pornographic images, profanity, anything overtly political or anything which imitates traffic signage. Additionally, no attachments (like signs, wood, rhinestones, etc.) may be incorporated in your design.

Please note: avoid painting the stickers on the dumpster, including the city of Clearwater’s logo and dumpster identification number sticker. If paint is accidentally applied to these stickers or the stickers are painted over, the city will replace the stickers on top of the art.

Step 4.Once a draft of your design is complete, submit an online application here to install a mural on your selected dumpster.

If granted permission, the city has the absolute right to change, modify, destroy, relocate, move, replace, transport, repair or restore the artwork on the dumpsters. Please note that dumpsters are frequently repaired or replaced, and this may impact your artwork.

Step 5.Once your application is approved, email neighborhoods@myclearwater.com to request your supplies, including the date you would like to pick up and return the materials to the city of Clearwater’s Planning and Development Department, located at 100 S. Myrtle Ave.

Pick-up must be on a weekday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Please note that the Planning and Development Department closes at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Supplies may be checked out for up to two weeks.

Note: If supplies are already reserved during your requested period, the city’s neighborhoods coordinator will work with you to find a different check-out period.

Installation Steps

Step 1.Plan to paint on a day that is above 50 degrees, with no wind or rain.

Ensure that the dumpster is completely dry before you start. Don’t paint if it’s likely to rain the following day.

Step 2.Set up traffic cones and a tarp around the area you plan to paint.

Step 3.Use sidewalk chalk and painter’s tape to outline your design.

dumpster painting

Step 4.Rustoleum Industrial Enamel paint only comes in red, yellow, blue, white and black but you may mix to achieve desired colors.

The city of Clearwater will provide one gallon of each color to participating groups. Any additional paint is the responsibility of the participant(s). Note that primer is not necessary as all dumpsters already have a smooth base coat of paint applied.

Step 5.As much as possible, please avoid painting the stickers on the dumpster.

Make sure to cover the stickers, including the city of Clearwater’s logo and dumpster identification number sticker, with painter's tape. If paint is accidentally applied to these stickers or the stickers are painted over, the city will replace the stickers on top of the art.

almost complete dumpster art

Step 6.Paint your design, being careful not to use too much paint or to get any paint on the pavement.

Step 7.Make sure to thoroughly clean your work site, leaving no litter or waste behind.

It is critical that waste water is dumped down a sink and not down a storm drain. Storm drain water flows directly to the ocean without treatment.

Step 8.Return the borrowed supplies to the city of Clearwater’s Planning and Development Department, located at 100 S. Myrtle Ave.

Drop-off must be on a weekday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Please note that the Planning and Development Department closes at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Step 9.Send photos of your completed design to neighborhoods@myclearwater.com so that the city can celebrate your work.

If you have any suggestions for improvements to this process, please let us know.


Step 1.Continue being an excellent steward of your dumpster by retouching your design as necessary.

Step 2.If our Solid Waste crews notice graffiti or if a mural is looking a little worse for the wear, we’ll email the project lead to request that the mural be retouched.

Dumpsters are regularly handled by a 30,000-pound vehicle, so wear and tear should be expected. In the event that the project lead is unable or unwilling to retouch the mural, the mural will be removed.