Clearwater's Sustainability Event Guide

This is a photo of Clearwater block party.

How to Plan and Host a Sustainable Event

Clearwater Neighborhoods Day is around the corner. The city of Clearwater would like to thank you for your commitment to take the Neighborhood Sustainability Challenge. This information will help you plan and host your sustainable block party.

Neighborhood Pledge and Checklist

By applying for the sustainability grant, you have agreed to these checklist items that are presented on the Neighborhoods Day sign-up sheet.


1. Appoint a Sustainability Ambassador


  • You are probably the appointed neighborhood “Sustainability Ambassador.” We applaud you for stepping up to the role and ensuring a sustainable event plan.
  • You will soon receive information from the city’s neighborhoods division on picking up some required items. These include city-purchased compostable bamboo plates and utensils, compost bins, compostable bags and educational signage. Please coordinate for someone to pick them up from the city and bring them to the event.
  • During the event, your main tasks will be to set up the recycling and compost stations close to the trash can. Be sure to put up the “Compost Here” signage, oversee the recycling and composting station on site, and encourage your neighbors to follow the rest of the sustainable event tips that we are going to share next.

2. Discourage Use of Single-Use Plastics

No-Single-Use-Plastics.png Plastic pollution is a major issue in the world. For a coastal city like Clearwater, it’s even more important that the community comes together to prevent plastic waste from going into the waterways and ending up in the oceans. This harms marine wildlife and can cause not only marine and human health.

  • No plastic bags, plastic cups, or Styrofoam containers.
  • Instead, ask neighbors to bring their own reusable water bottles and containers to bring food home.
  • Provide water coolers instead of water bottles.

3. Don't Use Plastic Water Bottles

  • Did you know that humans consume up to a credit card’s worth of plastic EVERY WEEK per person? – this is a statistic from the World Wildlife Federations’ 2019 report.
  • Please discourage single-use plastics at your block party.
  • Instead of plastic bags, cups, Styrofoam containers, use reusable bags, cardboard boxes to carry items to and from events.
  • Use reusable food containers and reusable mugs or tumblers for beverages, such as these shown here. 


4. Set Up Recycling & Compost Stations


  • Pick up a compost bin, compostable bags, compostable utensils and plates, and signage.
  • Post and use these materials at your event.
  • The city will pick up these items from the block party location the following morning.

Your Compost Station

  • Composting requires a mix of nitrogen and carbon to create the proper setting for decomposition.
  • Green waste, such as food scraps, brings nitrogen.
  • Brown waste, such as leaves and paper products, add carbon to the mix.

green, browns, compost, how to compost, composting

Take our free compost course

Your Recycling Station

  • Ask neighbors to bring recycling containers from their residences in the neighborhood to the event.


5. Encourage Recycling

  • Recycling.png Encourage recycling for any beverage cans or cardboard materials that are present at the event.
  • Simplify to 5: recycle only metal and aluminum cans, cardboard, mixed paper, glass, and plastic food containers or bottles #1-7.
  • Materials should not be bagged. The only items that should go in your recycle bins are metal cans, glass and plastic bottles if you have them, paper (paper towels and napkins should be composted), and cardboard. Break down cardboard so that you can fit more in the container.
  • There should be no food or items that have food on them in the recycling. Recycling should be clean and dry. You do not need to rinse out soda bottles or cans, but they should be empty. Those are the only things that should go in your recycling bin. 

6. And Most Importantly, Have a Fun and Safe Event!

Have-Fun.png Thank you for being a part of Clearwater Celebrates Neighborhoods Day. We thank you for your involvement and for being an active part of the Clearwater Community.

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