Nagano Students Visit Clearwater Through Sister City Program

Published on November 02, 2023

Sayonara Party by Nagano Students

Clearwater and Nagano, Japan, have been Sister Cities since 1959, and we've participated in high school student exchanges for more than 30 years.

Last week, a group of Japanese high school students from Nagano spent a week in Clearwater. They stayed with local homestay families, participated in Halloween festivities, went to classes at Countryside High School and visited the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. They ended their week with a Sayonara Party at Moccasin Lake Nature Park.

Four scholarships are available for students who are Clearwater residents to visit Nagano for our 2024 exchange. Interested students should fill out an application.

Apply for 2024 Student Exchange Program


Nagano students visit CMA