Back-to-School Sustainability

Image of a tree coming out of a book with little illustrations surrounding it.

School Supplies

  • Only buy what you need. Use your school supply shopping list to search the house for items you already have before going to the store.
  • Buy sustainably produced school, art and cleaning supplies, such as those made of Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood, recycled content or are certified by “green” third parties.
  • Purchase paper products with the highest percentage recycled content you can find
  • Consider donating school supplies or volunteering at local supply giveaway events.


  • Donate gently used clothing to a second-hand store
  • Look for supplies and clothes from second-hand stores or host a clothing swap with other families.
  • If  buying new clothes or book bags, try to buy items with little to no synthetic fibers in the fabric. They can release microplastics into the water when washed.
  • Use reusable shopping bags when buying supplies and lunch items.


  • Ensure you have reusable lunch containers and water bottles. There are many new types of reusable sandwich bags or wraps that are easily washable and durable.
  • Buy sustainable and healthy food choices for lunches. Buy in bulk and try to avoid snacks that come in individual packages.


  • How will you get to school? If close enough, identify a safe route to walk or bike.
  • If driving, consider carpooling with others in your neighborhood.