Sustainable & Ocean-Friendly Event Planning

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Make Your Next Event Sustainable & Ocean Friendly

Many people are aware of the problems plastic is causing to our oceans, wildlife and human health. As a result, more and more people choose to support organizations that are parting ways with single-use plastics.

Ocean-friendly events are those that abstain from using single-use plastics and instead use items that are reusable, compostable or recyclable. Being a coastal city, we recognize the importance of taking care of our environment and waterways. The city is actively taking steps in moving towards sustainable event planning and ensuring a healthy coastal environment in which Clearwater residents and visitors can thrive in. Supporting local, adopting ocean-friendly practices such as ditching single-use plastic items and finding alternatives that are compostable, skipping balloons and confetti, making recycling as well as composting available and encouraging multi-modal transportation to your event for lowering carbon footprint are some ways you can start. 

Hosting a sustainable event will not only make the experience more pleasant with less waste, it is also a great promotional quality and attracts more visitors to your events.

10 ways to host sustainable & ocean-friendly events

Step 1.Start Early

Appoint a sustainability ambassador, and start planning your sustainable event early.

Step 2.Be Thorough

Research options for event sites, vendors, caterers and suppliers that are committed to sustainability and ocean-friendliness.

Step 3.No Plastic

Skip single-use plastic items and encourage alternatives, such as refillable water stations, aluminum cans, reusable bottles, compostable plates, and utensils. When single-use plastic items end up on the ground, they break down into microplastics, which go into the water and air that we breathe.

Step 4.Say No to balloons, Sky Lanterns, Confetti or Beads

These materials are difficult to collect for disposal and often end up in our waterways, choking coastal wildlife. Balloons and sky-lantern releases are banned in Florida.

Step 5.Recycle

Make recycling available on-site with educational visuals and work closely with the city for proper waste management. Use this flyer to educate your guests about accepted recyclables in Clearwater. You can download, print and attach it to your recycling bins and/or above the bins.

Step 6.Eat Locally

Prioritize food and beverage vendors that specialize in local and climate-friendly foods. When food is sourced locally, it is fresher and does not require as much transportation, which has an effect on the environment.

Step 7.Reduce Waste

Reduce food waste and set up compost stations or donate the food you don't use to charities in your area.

Step 8.Carpool

Encourage visitors of your event to carpool, rideshare, bike, or walk, which reduces carbon emissions relating to transportation.

Step 9.Community Outreach

Consider including education on community sustainability as a component of your event by incorporating things such as cleanups, coastal restoration and giving away native plants at the end of your event.

Step 10.Raise Awareness

Make known your intentions and commitments. Hopefully, it will inspire others to do the same.

You might be thinking, this is not an easy task! What makes an event ocean-friendly? What are some challenges in making an event sustainable? Why is making an event sustainable so important? For an insider look into what event planners and vendors have to say about their experience creating an ocean-friendly event, watch this video.

Other Helpful Information

Other Options to Consider

  • While plastic bottles are allowed in the Ocean Allies ocean-friendly certification at this time, priority should be given to water refill stations, reusable bottles and canned water.
  • If food is at the event, vegetarian and vegan options should be available to attract more patrons and support diets that are sustainable.
  • All seafood should be ‘Best Choice’ or ‘Good Alternative,’ as defined by Seafood Watch or certified as sustainable.


Ocean Allies is happy to assist any event that would like to go ocean-friendly and can provide guidance on the right materials to choose. If your event is certified ocean-friendly by Ocean Allies, it will be promoted and celebrated.